Flying for Kosovo

Recognize Kosovo's Independence!

Costa Rica

Posted by admin On June - 6 - 2009

Its name means ‘rich coast’ and I could not wait to visit this magnificent and amazing country.

Costa Rica was the first country to recognize our independence, which was a very historic moment for Kosovo. This gesture meant so much to the people of my country, that I wanted to make a brief stop here just to thank the people for recognizing our nation.

I found the people here to be amazing in every aspect. Costa Ricans are very friendly and happy people and I learned many good things during my visit to this beautiful country. One thing that I noticed was that whenever I would say thank you or “gracias”, their response would always be “con mucho gusto” or ‘with pleasure’. Also, when asking ‘how are you’, people here often respond by saying “pura vida” or ‘pure life’. That is pretty much the mood of the country.

The media coverage was awesome and we were able to do both television and newspaper interviews. Unfortunately, this time of year brings lots of rain. It took us almost a week to leave this country with our baby plane because of the intense daily rain showers– though none of us were complaining about our prolonged stay in such a beautiful setting.

Next stop is Panama

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