Flying for Kosovo

Recognize Kosovo's Independence!

A brief stop at Martinique

Posted by admin On April - 11 - 2010

I have been mesmerized by the beauty of this amazing planet. Each country seems to match the beauty of the previous one and I have very much enjoyed my time flying over magical waters of the Caribbean.

After my stop in St. Lucia, I was on my way to Dominica.  Though nothing is every as easy as it seems. It turns out that I needed to make a stop on the island of Martinique due to Dominica not having any AVGAS at the time, which I may have already mentioned is a higher-octane gasoline utilized by aircrafts.

I was grateful for the stop, as a quick walk around town made me feel a sense of being closer to home and was very soul fulfilling.  As it was a weekend, (not much press or political meetings can take place as you can imagine), I was able to enjoy some of my favorite foods on this French-inspired island.  A nice French baguette, along with a few cheeses, some cream, dried meats, pickles, French cakes and an Orangina were very satisfying treats as during a brief picnic in a local park.  The food tasted so good that it matched the scenery as it is not often that I have been able to indulge in such delightful treats.  I was the happiest man on earth!

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